All of that changed when I saw a "pin" that showed how someone mixed orange peels with vinegar to help mask the odor. I am currently addicted to mandarin oranges and we eat at least 3 or 4 of them per day in this house. So orange peels are not hard to come by....
So what did I have to lose?? I took a mason jar and dumped in orange peels from 3 mandarin oranges. I added a mixture of half water and half vinegar. Then I let it "brew" for 3 days!
Then came the moment of truth.... I opened it up and although I could smell a small hint of vinegar, it didn't bother me at all. So I poured it into a spray bottle (there was still a lot left in the mason jar) and decided to test it's magic!
And.... It has AMAZED me!!!
So far it has:
gotten marks off my walls
grease marks off my kitchen backsplash
cleaned my flat top stove burners
taken all the finger smudges and other gross marks off my sink and stainless steel appliances
Cleaned anything off my kitchen counters (even permanent marker that had been on there for a few weeks)
Cleaned caked on kid-food off my kitchen table
And... I even used it to clean my NASTY microwave (see pic below if you dare....)
I'm really embarrassed to even show this picture.... (Please don't judge!!) But I used the remaining amount of vinegar that didn't fit in the spray bottle, and I heated it up in the microwave for 1 minute.... And VOILA!!! The nastiness literally wiped right off (it took less than 60 seconds to wipe it clean!)
Last week I took a road trip with my 3 year old to Ikea and we picked up this awesome little microwave plate cover for only $1.95! So hopefully my microwave won't get that nasty ever again!!
Anyway - back to my new love... I plan on trying it on MANY other things in my home, including my bathrooms, which I out off cleaning as long as possible!
If you have any vinegar related tips, PLEASE post so we can all try them!! :)