I would really like to make this blog something that I update every day, but I feel like I have a dozen different directions I could take it. I mean, if you look at my crazy life, you would see that my brain goes a dozen directions each and every minute.
Over the next few days and weeks, I will be spending time in prayer asking God to reveal to me what He would like me to do with this. If you feel led to pray for me in this, I would really appreciate it. But I would also really appreciate your feedback just as much.
If you enjoy reading my blog, please leave me a comment below answering some of the following questions:
How regularly do you read my blog?
What topics are your favorite?
What topics are your least favorite?
Have any of my posts made you ponder something in your own life?
Are there certain topics I post about that you resonate with the most?
Any general ideas you would like to share with me?
Please leave me some comments below so I know how to improve!
And also, if you would like to see my blog become a daily update, please make sure you click on the link at the right hand side of the page to follow it and stay alert to when I have new blog posts!